Hi everyone,
It's been awhile since my last post, alot of things going on so I am hoping to be adding to my blog more often. I have been working on drying my herbs from my garden so I will have my own seasonings to add to recipes all winter long.
I have been drying the basil( my favorite) herb first and then I will move on to oregano and rosemary.
I also have some orange and chocolate mint to dry next. I found on the internet how to dry basil in your oven and it's been working great. I have 2 full mason jars and starting on a third one.
Here is how you dry basil in your oven: Preheat your oven to 180 to 185 degrees and heat for 20 minutes, then place your cookie sheets with your basil into the oven and turn oven off and let the heat do it's thing. It has taken two times in my oven to dry them completely, but it preserves the fragrance
and taste of the basil! I hope the other herbs will turn out the same.
I hope you try it:)